Marie McCausland, PhD


I am Marie McCausland, PhD.

I am a scientist, mother, and advocate.


Following a near-death experience with Post-Partum PreEclampsia, I realized I needed to use my skills and passion in new and impactful ways.

I am dedicated to seeing a world where every birthing individual can survive and thrive in their pregnancies and beyond.

I am dedicated to Reproductive Justice.

I am dedicated to making sure every student feels supported and worthy of that support.

I am dedicated to supporting women and girls in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math).

I am dedicated to teaching the next generation the implicit value of EVERY HUMAN BEING.


“If you are one of those near-miss moms beating yourself up just for existing, I am here to remind you that your pain is every bit as hard and tragic. We LIVE with this. Everyday. There is no going back to who you were before, but what we do by sharing is we reach into that pit, and we lift out another mom.”

- Marie McCausland, TEDxCWRU on November 16, 2019


Nothing is impossible.

Let’s make it happen.


Much love,



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