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PARMA, Ohio — Marie McCausland is two years removed from a horrific experience. The memory is marked by her son, Jeffery. Four days after his birth, she almost lost her life.

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NPR and ProPublica’s “Lost Mothers,” 2018 Goldsmith Prize Winner

Going behind the story of the 2018 Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting winner, “Lost Mothers,” by Renee Montagne of NPR and Nina Martin of ProPublica. The United States has the highest rate of maternal deaths in the developed world; NPR and ProPublica’s investigative reporting found at least half could be prevented with better care. The investigative series tracked maternal deaths, saved lives by raising public awareness of post-birth complications, and prompted legislation in New Jersey and Texas. The series was awarded the 2018 Goldsmith Prize by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School. Video produced by RetroReport.

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Pop-Power of Partnership

There's power in the partnership between patients and systems.